Outstanding Travel Agent Commissions Report

The Outstanding Travel Agent Commissions Report displays all of the commissions that are due but have not been paid to a travel agent (based on the Travel Agent Print Checks section of the Travel Agent Commissions screen).  

The report is grouped by the travel agent and shows all of the stays that accumulated commissions due to that travel agent, with the total unpaid commission amount due per travel agent.

Note: The Outstanding Travel Agent Commissions Report is NOT the same as the T/A Commissions Check Preview Report (which may be generated from the Travel Agent Commissions screen), but it does contain much of the same information as they are both based on details from the Travel Agent Print Checks feature.

The Outstanding Travel Agent Commissions command is found in the Travel Agents Menu (which may be reached through the Files Menu), and opens the report DIRECTLY - there is no report screen where you first need to select parameters for the report before it is generated.



Date Updated January 05, 2022